Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Well as most of you know I am a nurse and the main part of my job is assisting the surgeon by handing over equipment etc, so it involves a lot of concentration I guess just like most things in my job. Anyway yesterday was the first time I scrubbed for a laparoscopic hernia repair and I must admit it was not too difficult but when its something new you really have to watch closely to see whats happening to remember for the next time. Luckily the surgeon was very nice and he talked me through it all step by step. Laparoscopic surgery is great as you can see everything on the screen. Its amazing really to see the insides of someones body and how through tiny holes made in the tummy area, a telescope to see what you are doing and and a grasper and a probe you can fix a hernia which really is an amazing thing. I love my job for many reasons but the best part is seeing someone walk in the door either in pain or with obvious signs of 'lumps and bumps', and knowing that they are going to be helped and that I will be a part of making them better.

There are many stories that I could tell but at the moment I don't have any that funny or exciting apart from yesterday afternoon when we sent the new auxillary nurse for 'the long stand' in the store and he went..... it was funny to watch as he is a bit of a smart guy but really stupid if that makes sense!!!!! He was very embarrassed and not happy when he realised we had joked and the laugh was on him.

The picture above is just random and not me or anyone I know (just incase I get done for confidentiality)

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