Well I never thought I would ever have a blog...but I don't want to feel left out...(seems everyone's got one these days!)...so I'll give it a go! Can't promise to blog a post everyday unlike the infamous headphonaught, but I'll do my best to make it interesting and worth the read.
Now for those of you who don't know me, the blog name "bright and breezy" just helps to reflect my personality ...bright and bubbly (well at least I try to be)...and the breezy..well...I'll leave that up to your own imagination. Please keep checking in, be patient with me...I work shifts so spare time is limited but I hope to give you some smiles and laugh but also to share with you when things are not so bright!
Hi honey,
Knew it wouldn't be too long 'til you joined the blogging community. No surprises with your color scheme though. Pink and purple all the way.
Will continue to read with interest your take on life etc..
Love you
Ross x
Hi Janey...welcome to the world of blogging. Look forward to reading all about what you get up to! Thanks for spending the last few days with me and the girls...we really love having you over. Take care see you soon!
Luv ya
Welcome to the blogosphere..! You don't need to post everyday... but you do need to post. Whatever is on your mind... on your heart... niggling at your soul.
Don't bitch about anyone or anything... and live a big life for Him.
Love ya...
T aka H
PS... You need to protect your comments. Need verification as a minimum.
Oh and change your time to GMT
Hi Jane
Good luck with the blogging. The next few months (leading up to the wedding) should give you plenty material to write in your blog.
Take care.
Hey mate! Congratulations! You are now blogged! I'm excited that we're all getting into the blogging - it's cool fun! Anyway, regarding your blog name - I know why you've called yourself Breezy but perhaps Windy Miller is more appropriate! Ross - you'd better get used to it man!!!
Anyway, you're fab! A total weirdo but fab and I love you mate!
You finally gave in to peer pressure! Now you can share with the world the stresses and strains of wedding dresses and guest lists. Oh and how wonderful your stunning bridesmaid's are of course. Har har har har. Not to mention gruesome nurse stories, Bleh.
See you soon,
(sister in law to be)
Welcome to blog world, Janey! I've gotta keep up with all of Headphonaught's buddies!
Hi Janey
Great to have Olwyn and now you blogging
It is good to have the female perspective on things
Look forward to reading your posts
We will need to talk more about "Windy Miller" the next time we meet
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